Sunday, May 08, 2005
entering the final week
It feels very strange to say it, but I'm now entering my final week at seminary and in Atlanta. It is a strange time, and I've become very emotional all of the sudden.
There's much to be done, but I don't feel like doing any of it anymore! Oh well... it will happen somehow.
- At church this morning, I nearly lost it when one of my fellow seminary students offered the prayer of thanksgiving, as it was his last Sunday. I'll be back for one last Sunday at Central, and I can't imagine what kind of condition I'll be in then!
- After church, I started thinking about what is next in the church world for me. Where will I go to church while I look for a job? None of the immediate options at my parents' house are particularly appealing, so I'm trying to think outside the box a bit. Perhaps I can find someplace life-giving for that brief period.
- I'm starting to have my final chances to visit with all sorts of friends around here. We'll certainly be running into one another over the course of the next week, but intentional time together is quickly disappearing.
- Three of us went out to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tonight. I kinda feel like Arthur Dent sometimes, with so much of the world caving in around me, constantly looking for what I can hold on to as everything around me changes. Now if I can just figure out exactly what my "fish" would be if I were to sing "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish"!
- In general, everything just feels really strange. It is strange to see packed boxes accumulating in the room, empty bookshelves where the books have been for three years, and junk I should have thrown away years ago piling up in the trash can. I'm hopeful that it will all get done, but it hasn't happened yet!
There's much to be done, but I don't feel like doing any of it anymore! Oh well... it will happen somehow.